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2019 COSMOPROF ASIA (Hong Kong, 2019.11.13 - 15)

SEPIA Micro pigment has participated in the last trade show of the year, 2019 Cosmoprof ASIA in Hong Kong. Compared with the last year, It seems much fewer visitors from China, Hong Kong, and Makao due to the protest and difficult circumstances around. Nevertheless, we had chances to meet international distributors, owners of Spa/Salon, and great potential buyers from Europe, and East-south Asia(s.f. Philippine). One of the noticeable results was having great attention and interest in our pre-offer 30colors launching next year. There were lots of inquiries about colors by different races, skin tones, and trends throughout the trade shows so far.

We have broadened the color options up to 56, considering those demands accordingly. It was a promising experience overall and we are looking forward to our business improvement with it for standing in the 1st class of Micro pigment internationally.


The Standard Co., Ltd.   

120, Gunpocheomdansaneop 2-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15880, South Korea 

T.+82-2-838-5533   F.+82-2-838-5523  E.

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